女性専用風俗 東京秘密基地本店 (出張専門) | お客様の声
営業時間: 04:00〜翌4:00

Hio is the best. His technique is excellent, I instantly came because he was so good. I don't speak Japanese but he was very kind to me. His kisses were so great. I melted because of his touch. Plus, he is super handsome and looks like a K-Drama actor!

I told him that I was nervous when I met him, but he calmed me down, and told me it was going to be okay. I’m very insecure about my appearance, but Hio embraced me wholeheartedly. I didn’t feel that he judged me, in fact, he was very kind to me.

I want to meet Hio again in the future. He made me very happy. It was difficult to say goodbye.

I've tried this service twice with different therapists, and I can say that with Hio, I felt the most comfortable.

If you are looking for a therapist who has good technique and is kind and charming, please contact Hio.

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口コミ 求人案内
よくあるQ&A メールマガジン
利用施設説明 お問い合わせ
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